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How to Build own antivirus and PC clearners

1).open Notepade..Copy & Past Below Code 


goto START


set profiles=%cd%

for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%u in ('dir /b/ad') do (

title Deleting %%u Cookies. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" cd "%profiles%\%%u\cookies"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A

title Deleting %%u cookies. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" cd "%profiles%\%%u\cookies"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Cookies"

title Deleting %%u Temp Files. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp" cd "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp"

title Deleting %%u history. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history" cd "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\history"

title Deleting %%u history. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history" cd "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\history"

title Deleting %%u Temp Files. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp" cd "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Temp"

title Deleting %%u Temporary Internet Files. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" cd "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"

title Deleting %%u Temporary Internet Files. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files" cd "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files"

title Deleting %%u Cookies. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies" cd "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A

title Deleting %%u Oracle Jar Cache. . .
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache" echo Deleting....
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache" cd "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache"
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Oracle Jar Cache"


cd "%localAppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*"
del /s /f /q "%localAppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*"
for /d %%i in ("%localAppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*") do rmdir /s /q "%%i"

title Deleting jcache
if exist "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache" echo Deleting....
if exist "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache" cd "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache"
if exist "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
rem if exist "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache" rmdir /s /q "%programfiles%\Oracle\JInitiator\jcache"

title Deleting %Systemroot%\Temp
if exist "c:\windows\Temp" echo Deleting....
if exist "c:\windows\Temp" cd "c:\windows\Temp"
if exist "c:\windows\Temp" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "c:\windows\Temp" rmdir /s /q "c:\windows\Temp"

title Deleting %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Temp
if exist "c:\Temp" echo Deleting....
if exist "c:\Temp" cd "c:\Temp"
if exist "c:\Temp" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A
if exist "c:\Temp" rmdir /s /q "c:\Temp"

title Deleting %SYSTEMDRIVE%\prefetch
if exist "c:\windows\prefetch" echo Deleting....
if exist "c:\windows\prefetch" cd "c:\windows\prefetch"
if exist "c:\windows\prefetch" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A

REM Cleanup c:\temp
del /s /f /q c:\temp\*
rmdir /s /q c:\temp\
mkdir c:\Temp

goto END


2).And save that as .bat not .txt and RUN IT

3) Enjoy.


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