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Showing posts from September, 2015

How to Create Instant PC Cleaner

1). open NOTEPAD. 2). Copy & Past Below Code. @ECHO OFF ::JAY NAGAR goto START :START cd %USERPROFILE% cd.. set profiles=%cd% for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%u in ('dir /b/ad') do ( title Deleting %%u Cookies. . . if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" echo Deleting.... if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" cd "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A cls title Deleting %%u cookies. . . if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" echo Deleting.... if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" cd "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" del *.* /F /S /Q /A: R /A: H /A: A if exist "%profiles%\%%u\cookies" rmdir /s /q "%profiles%\%%u\Cookies" cls title Deleting %%u Temp Files. . . if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\Temp" echo Deleting.... if exist "%profiles%\%%u\Local Settings\

How to Hack Face book Password in 5 Ways

This is one of the most popular questions which I'm asked via my email. And today I'm going to solve this problem one it for all. Even though. I have already written a few ways of hacking a face book password. Looks like. I got to tidy up the. The stuff here. The first thing .I want to tell is. You can not hack or crack a face book password by a click of a button .That's totally impossible and if you find such tools on the internet then please don't waste your time by looking at them!They are all fake. Ok now let me tell you how to hack a face book account. 1.Social Engineering 2. Keylogging 3.Reverting Password / Password Recovery Through Primary Email 4. Facebook Phishing Page/ Softwares 5.Stealers/RATS/Trojans Social Engineering   This is one of the most easiest ways of hacking.If your good at human manipulation and extracting information out of a conversion between you and your victim then this is the best trick for you.Go to " ht

How To Secure own G-mail Account

Step 1.  Always access Gmail directly by going to . If you are on your mobile device, go to .   Gmail now uses a secure HTTPS connection  by default . This means that email is encrypted as it travels between a user’s browser and Google’s servers. Step 2.  Read up about Gmail’s  privacy  and  security . Familiarize yourself with Google’s policies and the protections they offer. Visit  Gmail’s Security Center  and  complete the Gmail  security checklist  to make sure your account is secure . Step 3.  Never give out your password to anyone . Remember that Gmail will never ask for your username or password, so if you get such a request, it’s bogus.  Step 4.  Do you use any Gmail-related plugins or extensions?  Google can't guarantee the security of these third party services , so be careful when using them or avoid downloading extensions all together.  Step 5.  That said, there is  an extension available for sign

How to make Constantly automatic & Repeat writing Msg

1. Open Notepad 2. Copy below code  & Pest in notpade @ECHO off :Begin   msg * Hi,Jay msg * Are you having fun? msg * yes, I am ! msg * Lets have fun together! msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d GOTO BEGIN 3.Save the file name but with “Jay.bat” extension in your computer.  4.When you open this file in your computer , you see message line by line without type anything.

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